
Reptar VRChat Avatar

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Reptar VRChat Avatar

2 ratings

Have a roaring good time in VRChat with Reptar! Stomping through town, breathing fire, causing mayhem, all while looking straight out of the 90's.

Avatar comes phys-bones and idle animation on the tail, lip syncing, and fire breath! Open mouth and fire breath are controlled via the left hand gestures.

Please upload as a Private avatar. Re-sales prohibited. Not currently packaged for Quest but the model is only 8500 tris.


  1. Create a new Unity project.
  2. Import the VRChat SDK
  3. Import the Reptar asset.
  4. Upload to VRChat.

Leaving a GumRoad rating is appreciated!

If you have questions not related to uploading the avatar, or want to discuss custom options or avatars, I do take commissions and can be reached at twitter.com/bizymouse or bizy@bizymouse.com

I want this!

Reptar VRChat Avatar

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