Death Wolf NSFW VRChat Avatar PC/Quest
Hailed from the darkness to claim the unfortunate souls of those who have reached the end of their time, it's Death Wolf. A VRChat avatar by BizyMouse! Version 1.2 NSFW
The SFW version is here
Avatar comes with idle animation, phys bones on the tail, lip syncing and full body tracking support. Penis and balls have physbones. Two sickles and a cloak. Sickles spin when both hands are in open gesture. There are four expressions controlled via the left hand gestures, including his whistle with audio. Outfit choices and a flaccid option via the expressions menu.
Please upload as a Private avatar. Re-sales prohibited. Desktop (good) compatible
- Create a new Unity project.
- Import the VRChat SDK.
- Import the Poiyomi shader (Desktop Version only. Optional if you wish to make changes)
- Import the deathWolf asset.
- Load the deathwolf scene
- Upload to VRChat.
Leaving a GumRoad rating is appreciated!
If you have questions not related to uploading the avatar, or want to discuss custom options or avatars, I do take commissions and can be reached at or
I have a Puss In Boots avatar that makes a great companion to this one
Edit: Updated to 1.2 NSFW
Death Wolf VRChat Avatar